But! I'm going to try and get back into it. To help me catch up, I'm going to do a series of Good & Bad posts. These posts are basically going to present two different meals, with one coming out as the victor. I'm going to keep them to, say, two breakfast foods rather than breakfast vs lunch, but otherwise, it'll be random glory.
So let's begin.
Food One: S'More Stuffed French Toast
Doesn't this recipe look and sound like indulgent perfection? I Know when Hari shared it with me I immediately made it my goal to find vegan marshmallows and recreate this recipe. I love sweets, especially chocolate, and so this sounded like some sort of amazing dream food.
Food two: Bulgur Breakfast Cereal
Putting this recipe right after one starring copious amounts of sugar almost seems unfair to me. But having a giant bag of Goya bulgur, I'm always looking for different ways to use it, and my body's opinions of oatmeal can be best summarized as "the toilet". So this recipe seemed intriguing.
S'More Stuffed French Toast vs. Bulgur Breakfast Cereal: GO!
Pictures are worth a thousand words each, especially if it loooks like you set things on fire before the photo.
Now, despite its charcoal top, you can see delicious melted chocolate oozing from the center of the whole-wheat bread. And as I recall (this photo dates to January!), it wasn't that the French Toast tasted bad. You can't really go wrong with chocolate and marshmallows. The problem was that it was underwhelming. There was a lot of set up and effort that went into making these things (and perhaps into just finding vegan marshmallows alone). Assembling the sandwich, dipping it into the egg mixture without the whole thing giving up, then actually cooking it, again without everything giving up? It's hard. Maybe too hard for me in the morning judging by the burn, but hard! So I wanted it to taste like goddesses singing outside my door, and it just didn't deliver.
The bulgur cereal, however? Very good and hearty. First off, it is the easiest thing to make, which is great if your morning function limits itself to pushing buttons and tripping over a hungry cat. It's also very versatile -- I didn't have the flaxseed it called for, so I just threw in white chocolate chips, because that's how healthy I am. I also didn't use raisins because I don't like them, but that's what's great about this recipe. As long as you have the basics of bulgur, water, salt, and brown sugar, I am fairly certain you could put pretty much anything sweet into this, and it'd work out. Also I just have a major softspot for "cooked" dried cranberries.
So between these two? The humble bulgur cereal came out on top for me. Simple, variable, doesn't require dipping sandwiches in batter and trying to fry them. That being said, if you tried it with smaller slices of bread, you may have much better results.
S'More Stuffed French Toast: 4.5/10
Bulgur Breakfast Cereal: 8/10
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