This has nothing to do with today's food, so let's move on.
Stir-Fried Egg and Tomato with Avocado
Hari found a recipe on this website that disinterested me, as I recall. So then I found this and found it interesting. Today's recipe is based off of this, but not quite the same.
This is mainly because after a "flaming oil" incident when I was 15, I don't like to add oil to a hot pan.
So here we are.
Start off with a bit of oil in a pan. I recommend peanut oil as it's very good with heat. THEN heat it up to about medium, medium-high. At this point, we go back to the recipe's instructions. I used a whole tomato, chopped it up, and then added it to the pan and stirfried it until it was basically what they said.
I then took two eggs, cracked them in a bowl, and beat them well. Then I added a splash of 2% milk (I wouldn't add more than 1/8 cup), and then some goat cheese. beat it all together. I then added them to the pan with the tomatoes still in there, and removed the pan from the heat while stirring the eggs and scraping the bottom and sides.
Then once the cooking was slowed I put them back on the heat and basically just stirred them until they firmed up to a consistency I liked. Remove from heat, put in bowl. Slice up some fresh raw avocado and add it to the top.
It was quite a tasty, nourishing breakfast. Now for a few things.
First off, I DO recommend you listen to that website and remove the tomatoes and rinse the pan, THEN add the eggs. This is not due to taste or cooking, but to remove excess liquid. I had some unsightly liquid in the bottom of my bowl of eggs, and so to remove that, it's best to just separate the cooking processes. If liquid in the bowl doesn't squick you like it does me, then you can keep everything in the same pan.
Goat cheese really didn't add what I wanted to the eggs; you could barely taste it. Feel free to leave it out.
This basic recipe would likely go well with many other vegetables, including spinach, kale, MAYBE broccoli. It's very versatile and there are many options.
Oh and I don't know how adding the sugar works out since I didn't. My guess is it brings out the tomato flavour, I don't know.
Finally, you could probably translate this into a vegan recipe pretty easily by using tofu. I have made a pretty good tofu scramble in the past using a pile of dried herbs and some firm tofu. Perhaps someday I should add it to the blog so I'm not just stealing other people's recipes.
Speaking of this recipe, 8/10. It was good, and has great potential for modification.
Bonus Rating! So I was at the natural grocery again and I saw that they have this, except in a "one packet to try it" size.
For the love of all that is holy, DO NOT FALL FOR THOSE REVIEWS:
This is one packet, which is the equivalent of one serving, in 16oz of coconut milk (which is also gross btw). I needed a blender to stir it. The blender could barely even process it.
"Shake or dog poop, which could it be?"
The consistency was of a paste, and I wanted to chew it before swallowing it. When I could swallow it. I only tried twice. The flavour, oddly enough, was not BAD -- it actually tasted vaguely like the coconut milk it was in, basically. But I knew I wouldn't drink it so I brought it to the sink to pour it out.
IT came out like honey at first, then there was a little pop, and the whole thing slid out leaving barely any trace it was in the glass.
Food shouldn't DO THAT, guys. Please do not buy this. If you're starving and have no choice, use double the liquid it recommends. Garden of Life may like eating paste but it can't be good for you if you're already having food troubles and need to drink this instead.
Also bonus from someone who was pissy that someone dared give such a healthy, hippy product a two-star review:
"Your comment is your own personal opinion." (From here)
Unlike every other comment, which clearly is based in SCIENCE.
On that charming note,
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